"Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away."

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Boys, Boys, Boys

Well, I've had a fabulous (but all too short) spring break! I can't believe it's over...and I'm not really looking forward to going back to work on Monday and enduring the business of the last quarter of the school year. However, I really have no choice so I might as well think positive and get through it with grace. :)

I was in Missouri with my family from late Tuesday afternoon until just after noon on Thursday. I stayed at Josh & Sonya's and thoroughly enjoyed being "Aunt Day" or simply "Day." :) We celebrated Kingston's 1st birthday on Wednesday, walked to the little park pond to feed the ducks, and basically just spent time together. Before I left on Thursday Dad, Tasha, Sonya and the boys, and I went out to lunch and I stopped by mom's work to see her on the way home.

On Friday Ryan had the day off but I made him spend part of it working on our taxes and looking at our finances, which made me crabby. Thankfully, we joined friends for supper and games in the evening which improved my mood...I think. :P

Today has been somewhat uneventful. Ryan worked this morning so I met one of the girls I work with at Java for a few hours of gabbing and working on lesson plans, IEP updates for my kiddos, and other miscelaneous work "stuff." The last few hours have been spent trying to get my computer to cooperate, waiting forever for pictures to upload to flickr, and doing laundry. Doesn't that sound like tons of fun?! My hubby is totally absorbed in his new "server" computer (don't ask me what that is--all I know is that it takes 100% of his attention). :) I'm not really complaining, though, I'm glad he likes technology and is good with it--that comes in super handy at times!

Okay, enough said...check out our Flickr photo page if you're interested in pictures of the boys. :)

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